


Post by Saulsmusic » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:02 pm

The history of this word,so many people dont know it.The liberals have abselutly no idea as what is Palestine,who are the Palestinians,and why the Arabs started to call themselves by this name after they have lost the war that they started against Israel in 1948.

Lets travel back some 3300 years when the Jews came out of the land of Egypt by the Mighty hand of God under the leadership of Moses.

The word Palestine is mentioned in the bible with regards to the travels of the Jews in the desert for 40 years before their final destination to the land of thier forefathers,Israel.God said in the Bible that he didnt want the Jews to go through the land of Palestine,becouse they might come to change thier mind and return to Egypt.This strip of land 'Palestine' was a land that was very close geographicly to the Land of Israel.In this land people that were known as the 'Filistine'Tribes lived there.

As it is mentioned many times in the Bible,this Filstine tribe attacked the Jewish people time and again.First in the time of the Judges,and later on in the Time of the Kings of Israel,Saul and David.Thank God the Jews have won these wars and secured thier land.

A question:

Where did this Ancient Tribe 'filistine' disapear? Where did it go?

They do not exist.They are a part of History.The ancient Filstine tribe is no more.Ask any historian this question and youll get the answer that this ancient filistine people ceased to exist.

The arabs and the ancient Filistine tribe.

Is there any connection between these 2 peoples?

Were the ancient Filsitine tribe Arabs?

Since when this connection came about?

There is abselutly no conncetion between these 2 very different people.

The ancient Filistine tribe were not arab nomads.

The arabs never claimed to have any connection to this people.

The inventet mythological 'connection' was formulated by arab muslims as a ploy and a weapon against the Jewish state to seed confusion and misunderstanding to the layman world as to who are the true owners of this land.

But one could ask:

Why this land that is known as Israel was named for such a long time Palestine?WHo changed the names and why?


After the Roman empire took over the land of Israel forcefully and destroyed and murdered millions of Jews,the general of the Roman army was still not happy and wanted to couse more pain and suffering to the Jewish people.

How do you achieve this after you destroy the land and the Holy temple and Murder millions of innocent Jewish Men Women and Children,what in the world can you do now to couse even more pain?

The Evil Roman Emperor had an Idea.

''Lets change the Name of this land from the 'Land of Israel' to 'palestine'.

How can this couse pain to the Jewish people?

The pain is still felt until this very day.

The emperor wanted to hurt the jews by naming thier land with the name of thier enemies,the Filistine tribe.

To this very day,people do not know this very basic history and still dont understand what took place thousands of years ago and therefore are not aware of the facts and the disgusting and astronomical lies that the arabs formulated against the Jewish people.

Hope this will shead some light to those who still sleep in the darkness.

Posts: 41
Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:43 pm

Post by BuKiNisT » Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:48 pm

I think you're being too theatrical on this one, my friend.

History isn't an Arnold Schwarzenegger flick where everything is painted solid black and white - and highlighting its facts as such isn't going to do them justice :)

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Re: Palestine

Post by herman » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:22 am

Saulsmusic wrote:T
Hope this will shead some light to those who still sleep in the darkness.
I prefer to sleep in the dark. You however seem to live in the dark ages yet, longing for a theocracy. Too bad for you you aren't of the muslim faith, since there are a couple of muslim theocracies in operation.

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Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:03 am

Re: Palestine

Post by pizza » Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:33 am

herman wrote:
Saulsmusic wrote:T
Hope this will shead some light to those who still sleep in the darkness.
I prefer to sleep in the dark. You however seem to live in the dark ages yet, longing for a theocracy. Too bad for you you aren't of the muslim faith, since there are a couple of muslim theocracies in operation.
Chances are you'll experience one before Saul does if you continue to live in Holland.


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